March 23, 2025

Readings for Sunday:

“Lent is like a long ‘retreat’ during which we can turn back into ourselves and listen to the voice of God, in order to defeat the temptations of the Evil One. It is a period of spiritual ‘combat’ which we must experience alongside Jesus, not with pride and presumption, but using the arms of faith: prayer, listening to the word of God and penance. In this way we will be able to celebrate Easter in truth, ready to renew the promises of our Baptism.”

- Pope Benedict XV


Welcome to St. Eugene’s

St. Eugene’s is the cathedral church for the Diocese of Santa Rosa, located in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California. Our parish community includes more than 1700 registered parishioner households and a school for preschool through eighth grade students. Our parish was founded in 1950 and became the cathedral when the Diocese of Santa Rosa was established in 1962.


Please check this week’s bulletin for all current announcements. Only special announcements or ones that didn’t make it into the bulletin are listed here.

March 23, 2025 Third Sunday of Lent bulletin - The Eight Deadly Thoughts - Lenten Series III - FOOD

Dear People of God,

Continued….. The first temptation that the Desert Fathers experienced was that of food and drink. This seems trivial, which is the point. The enemy makes us think that something isn't a big deal, when it really is a big deal. We need to eat (and drink) in order to live, thus we have a relationship with food whether we like it or not. Food (and drink) sustains us for a day, or for a time, but without it eventually we will perish. Thus, we can be easily tempted with it, because we know that we need it.

Once we develop a disordered relationship with food, it is very easy to have a disordered relationship with everything else. Food is the gateway for sin to enter into one's life and to have the run of the house. I know that sounds a bit crazy, but just think of the ways in which a big meal alters your mood. We all have certain foods that we crave that cause us to feel better and can have addictive qualities. Of particular note, processed foods and alcohol are particularly dangerous and addictive. Things like sugary cookies, soda, chips, and alcohol can create a whole series of moods and patterns in our life that can be very harmful.

Many people have a hard time stopping with these items because they are addictive. If you have never really tried the paleo diet, you should. Your mood will be very different. It avoids all grains and dairy and permits nothing processed. In short, it is eating meat, vegetables, and fruit, like a caveman and it is amazing how different the body feels when on that diet. Once we give into gluttony, we are more susceptible to other sins. According to the Desert Fathers, the way to conquer this temptation is through fasting and discipline.

To be continued….
Very Rev. Samuel Moses Brown

Querido Pueblo de Dios,

Continua... La primera tentación que experimentaron los Padres del Desierto fue la de la comida y la bebida. Esto parece trivial, y ese es el punto. El enemigo nos hace pensar que algo no es gran cosa, cuando en realidad es gran cosa. Necesitamos comer (y beber) para vivir, por lo tanto, tenemos una relación con la comida, nos guste o no. La comida (y la bebida) nos sostiene por un día, o por un tiempo, pero sin ella eventualmente pereceremos. Por lo tanto, podemos ser tentados fácilmente con él, porque sabemos que lo necesitamos.

Una vez que desarrollamos una relación desordenada con la comida, es muy fácil tener una relación desordenada con todo lo demás. La comida es la puerta de entrada para que el pecado entre en la vida de uno y tenga el control de la casa. Sé que suena un poco loco, pero piensa en las formas en que una gran comida altera tu estado de ánimo. Todos tenemos ciertos alimentos que anhelamos que nos hacen sentir mejor y pueden tener cualidades adictivas. Cabe destacar que los alimentos procesados y el alcohol son particularmente peligrosos y adictivos. Cosas como las galletas azucaradas, los refrescos, las papas fritas y el alcohol pueden crear toda una serie de estados de ánimo y patrones en nuestra vida que pueden ser muy dañinos.

A muchas personas les cuesta dejar de consumir estos artículos porque son adictivos. Si nunca has probado la dieta paleo, deberías hacerlo. Tu estado de ánimo será muy diferente. Evita todos los cereales y lácteos y no permite nada procesado. En resumen, es comer carne, verduras y frutas, como un hombre de las cavernas y es asombroso lo diferente que se siente el cuerpo cuando está en esa dieta. Una vez que cedemos a la gula, somos más susceptibles a otros pecados. Según los Padres del Desierto, la forma de vencer esta tentación es a través del ayuno y la disciplina.

Continuara …
Muy Reverendo Padre Samuel Moses Brown

March 16, 2025 Second Sunday of Lent bulletin - The Eight Deadly Thoughts - Lenten Series II

Dear People of God,

Continued….. Roman religion was thought to sustain the Empire by appeasing the gods. However, the next emperor, Constantine, legalized Christianity and eventually received Baptism himself. This created a huge shift in Roman culture and the whole society started to embrace Christianity to the point that at the end of the 4th Century, Christians persecuted those who continued to worship the Roman gods during the reign of Emperor Theodosius. There was a complete social reversal in just one century and it was chaotic. So many people tried to enter the Church at once that the message and teaching was diluted. People brought their pagan ideas and practices with them and very often did not really understand the Holy Trinity. Many faithful and sincere Christians could not handle this stressful influx and they left the large cities to be alone with God in the desert. Eventually these people would become known as the Desert Fathers. I highly recommend reading their sayings. There were also women who were part of this movement who are called Desert Mothers. Together they formed colonies and communities in the wilderness and formed what would later develop into monasteries.
As they were alone in the desert, they noticed that certain temptations came to them and that the Devil tried to pull them away from their faith in certain specific patterns. They compared notes and realized that these experiences were fairly common. In the midst of this movement, they created a listing of the thoughts with which they would be tempted. Thus, the order of the Eight Deadly Thoughts is very important. They are gluttony, lust, greed, depression, anger, sloth, vainglory, and pride. At times, they have other names, but the list is the same. One may use avarice instead of greed, or envy/sadness instead of depression.
To be continued….

Very Rev. Samuel Moses Brown

Querido Pueblo de Dios:

Continuara... Se pensaba que la religión romana sostenía al Imperio apaciguando a los dioses. Sin embargo, el siguiente emperador, Constantino, legalizó el cristianismo y finalmente recibió el bautismo él mismo. Esto creó un gran cambio en la cultura romana y toda la sociedad comenzó a abrazar el cristianismo hasta el punto de que a finales del siglo IV, los cristianos persiguieron a aquellos que continuaron adorando a los dioses romanos durante el reinado del emperador Teodosio. Hubo un revés social completo en solo un siglo y fue caótico. Tantas personas intentaron entrar en la Iglesia a la vez que el mensaje y la enseñanza se diluyeron. La gente traía consigo sus ideas y prácticas paganas y muy a menudo no entendían realmente a la Santísima Trinidad. Muchos cristianos fieles y sinceros no pudieron manejar esta afluencia estresante y abandonaron las grandes ciudades para estar a solas con Dios en el desierto. Con el tiempo, estas personas llegarían a ser conocidas como los Padres del Desierto. Recomiendo encarecidamente leer sus dichos. También hubo mujeres que fueron parte de este movimiento que se llaman Madres del Desierto. Juntos formaron colonias y comunidades en el desierto y formaron lo que más tarde se convertiría en monasterios.
Como estaban solos en el desierto, se dieron cuenta de que les llegaban ciertas tentaciones y que el Diablo trataba de apartarlos de su fe en ciertos patrones específicos. Compararon notas y se dieron cuenta de que estas experiencias eran bastante comunes. En medio de este movimiento, crearon una lista de los pensamientos con los que serían tentados. Por lo tanto, el orden de los Ocho Pensamientos Mortales es muy importante. Son la gula, la lujuria, la codicia, la depresión, la ira, la pereza, la vanagloria y el orgullo. A veces, tienen otros nombres, pero la lista es la misma. Uno puede usar la avaricia en lugar de la codicia, o la envidia/tristeza en lugar de la depresión.

Muy Reverendo Samuel Moses Brown

March 9, 2025 First Sunday of Lent bulletin - The Eight Deadly Thoughts - Lenten Series I

Dear People of God,
As we begin the first week of Lent, we reflect on what to give up and how to better serve our God. We know that He wants us to use prayer, almsgiving, and fasting as remedies for sin. These should all be done in Lent to help it be a holy season of penance and preparation for the coming festivities of Easter. Before we get there, I thought that a discussion on the Eight Deadly Thoughts would be helpful. The Eight Deadly Thoughts are the precursor to the more famous Seven Deadly Sins in the Roman Catholic Church.
These listings of problematic behaviors come to us from the Roman period of the Church. In the beginning of the 4th Century, the Church was persecuted greatly by the Roman Empire for impiety towards the Roman gods. There had been a crisis in the 3rd Century from 235-284 wherein no stable government could last. They had 26 emperors in this short time span and by the end, sections of the Empire had broken off to form their own nations. They also had major incursions of barbarians, several years of severe plague that killed large numbers of people, and various economic problems. People were scared and started to think that maybe the Eternal City of Rome was going to fail. In short, it was a rotten time that caused people to be very afraid.
One man, Diocletian, is credited with saving the Empire. He came to power and began to fix problems very quickly. However, he also identified Christians as problematic, believing that the Roman gods were angry that not enough people were worshipping them. By the end of Diocletian's reign, Christians were public enemy number 1. Pagan Romans truly believed that the Empire was unstable because the gods were angry that they weren't being treated properly.
To be continued…..

Very Rev. Samuel Moses Brown

Querido Pueblo de Dios:
Al comenzar la primera semana de Cuaresma, reflexionamos sobre a qué renunciar y cómo servir mejor a nuestro Dios. Sabemos que Él quiere que usemos la oración, la limosna y el ayuno como remedios para el pecado. Todo esto debe hacerse en la Cuaresma para ayudar a que sea una temporada santa de penitencia y preparación para las próximas festividades de la Pascua. Antes de llegar allí, pensé que sería útil una discusión sobre los Ocho Pensamientos Mortales. Los Ocho Pensamientos Capitales son los precursores de los más famosos Siete Pecados Capitales en la Iglesia Católica.
Estos listados de conductas problemáticas nos llegan desde el período romano de la Iglesia. A principios del siglo IV, la Iglesia fue muy perseguida por el Imperio Romano por su impiedad hacia los dioses romanos. Había habido una crisis en el siglo III, de 235 a 284, en la que ningún gobierno estable podía durar. Tuvieron 26 emperadores en este corto período de tiempo y, al final, secciones del Imperio se habían separado para formar sus propias naciones. También tuvieron importantes incursiones de bárbaros, varios años de severa peste que mató a un gran número de personas y varios problemas económicos. La gente se asustó y empezó a pensar que tal vez la Ciudad Eterna de Roma iba a fracasar. En resumen, la gente tenian mucho temor.
A un hombre, Diocleciano, se le atribuye haber salvado el Imperio. Llegó al poder y comenzó a solucionar los problemas muy rápidamente. Sin embargo, también identificó a los cristianos como problemáticos, creyendo que los dioses romanos estaban enojados porque no había suficientes personas que los adoraran. Al final del reinado de Diocleciano, los cristianos eran el enemigo público número 1. Los romanos paganos realmente creían que el Imperio era inestable porque los dioses estaban enojados porque no estaban siendo tratados adecuadamente. Continuara...

Muy Reverendo Samuel Moses Brown

March 2, 2025 Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Lenten Repentance - Fish Fry

February 23, 2025 Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Lenten Penances

February 16, 2025 Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Marriage Week

February 2, 2025 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord bulletin - Church architectural terms

January 26, 2025 Third Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Jesus’ Baptism - Acknowledgements

January 19, 2025 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Gospel of Luke - St. Patrick’s Gala?

January 12, 2025 The Baptism of the Lord bulletin - New Year’s Resolutions?

January 5, 2025 The Epiphany of the Lord bulletin - Christmas season end? - Jubilee

December 29, 2024 Feast of the Holy Family bulletin - Purple: Royalty + Penance

December 22, 2024 Fourth Sunday of Advent bulletin - Christian Peace

December 15, 2024 Third Sunday of Advent bulletin - Advent Joy + Preparation

December 8, 2024 Second Sunday of Advent bulletin - Advent - Loving Rescue

December 1, 2024 First Sunday of Advent bulletin - New Liturgical Year C - Advent Practices

November 24, 2024 Christ the King bulletin - Give Thanks to God

November 17, 2024 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time bulletin - Prayer + Sacrifice

November 10, 2024 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time bulletin - Penitential Rite

November 3, 2024 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time bulletin - Eucharistic Prayers (cont.)

October 27, 2024 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time bulletin - Eucharistic Prayers

October 20, 2024 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time bulletin - Do you believe? & Eucharistic Prayers

October 13, 2024 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - All Saints’ Day & All Souls’ Day coming

October 6, 2024 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Prepare!

September 29, 2024 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Receiving Holy Communion

September 22, 2024 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Humility & Helping Hand

September 15, 2024 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Penitential Rite

September 8, 2024 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Renew our faith

September 1, 2024 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time bulletin - Kneeling during Mass

Special Feature in the bulletin for August 25, 2024 - Why Do We Venerate Relics?

August 18, 2024 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time Bulletin - Sunday is special

August 11, 2024 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Bulletin - Holy Eucharist => Eternal Life

August 4, 2024 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Signs and Miracles

July 21, 2024 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin - Ordinary Time

July 14, 2024 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin - Seek God’s presence

July 7, 2024 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin - Embrace Jesus

June 30, 2024 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bulletin - Jesus heals

June 23, 2024 Bulletin 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time Bulletin - Stewardship

June16, 2024 Bulletin - Father’s Day - Special Message: The Head of the Family

May 26, 2024 Trinity Sunday Bulletin - The Mystery of the Trinity

May 19, 2024 Pentecost Bulletin - Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful
Del Pastor: Domingo de Pentecostés

May 12, 2024 Seventh Sunday of Easter - Ascension Bulletin - Follow Him to Eternity

May 5, 2024 Sixth Sunday of Easter Bulletin - Our Relationship with God

April 28, 2024 Fifth Sunday of Easter Bulletin - We are the branches

April 21, 2024 Fourth Sunday of Easter Bulletin - Jesus is Our Shepherd

April 14, 2024 Third Sunday of Easter Bulletin - Resurrection: nice idea or truth?

April 7, 2024 Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday - Bulletin - Several titles - 2nd Sunday of Easter

March 31, 2024 Easter Sunday Bulletin - Christ the Lord is Risen!

March 24, 2024 Bulletin - Welcome the Lord… at all times

March 17, 2024 Bulletin - Countdown to the Passion

March 10, 2024 Bulletin - The Light of God

March 3, 2024 Bulletin - Spiritual & Physical maintenance

February 25, 2024 Bulletin - Transfiguration - God’s Ways

February 18, 2024 Bulletin - All About Lent

February 11, 2024 Bulletin - Jesus Heals a leper - Thanking God

February 4, 2024 Bulletin - Jesus is the Messiah - the Healer

January 28, 2024 Bulletin - The Word of God

January 21, 2024 BulletinTime of Fulfillment in the Gospel of Mark

January 14, 2024 Bulletin - Ordinary Time/Gospel of Mark

January 7, 2024 BulletinEpiphany

Pastor’s Desk

Mass, Confession, & Adoration Schedule

Weekly Mass Schedule

  • Weekday Mass

    • Mon-Fri — 6:45 a.m. & 8 a.m.

    • Tues — 5:30 p.m.

    • Saturday — 8 a.m.

  • Saturday Evening Vigil:

    • 4:30 p.m. (English)

    • 6:30 p.m. (Spanish)

  • Sunday Mass:

    • 7:30 a.m.

    • 9 a.m.

    • 10:30 a.m. *

    • 12 noon

    • 5:30 p.m.

    Only the Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Mass (*) will continue to be live-streamed on St. Eugene Cathedral YouTube Channel. An outdoor speaker and/or monitor will only be placed outside for special Masses/events that would require outside overflow seating.

Holy Day Mass Schedule

The usual schedule for Holy Days follows. Please check current bulletin for any changes.

Adoration Times
