
Please check this week’s bulletin for all current announcements.

[Only special announcements or ones that didn’t make it into the bulletin in time are displayed here.]

Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Advent Lessons and Carols

Please join us for a beautiful candlelit evening of Advent reflection, as we prayerfully prepare our hearts for the coming of Our Newborn King!

Friday, December 13, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Eugene.

For more information, see the flier by clicking HERE.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

The SVDP Food Pantry is available to all in need. We are located next to the Thrift Store on the West side of the PLC.

Hours: Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

SVDP main office number: 707-584-1579

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Holy Hour with the Marian Sisters

The Marian Sisters with Our Lady of Grace Sodality will be hosting a Holy Hour on Saturday November 2nd from 3-4 p.m. during confessions at the Cathedral. We will be asking for the intercession of Our Lady on the First Saturday and the Holy Souls for the upcoming election.

Come join us for Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament as we recite the Holy Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Our voting responsibility

We get the public officials we deserve. Their virtue, or lack thereof, is judgement not only on them, but on us. "Living the Gospel of Life," 34

Reflection: This powerful statement points to our responsibility to elect pro-life candidates and keep proabortion candidates out of office. They cannot get into office without a sufficient number of people voting for them. Voters need to ask, "If a politician can't respect the life of a little baby, how is he supposed to respect mine?"

Prayer: Lord raise up in our nation wise and virtuous voters, that we may have godly leaders.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Relic of St. Jude visit

The arm of St. Jude is on a US tour from the Vatican and will visit St. Eugene this Sunday, August 18, in the Becker Center. (Last week's bulletin lists the Mass time incorrectly as 3 p.m. Mass will begin at 3:30 p.m.) See the flier for more information.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Did you know? A deeper significance to the Mass…

The Mass, or Divine Liturgy, is not simply a religious service. The Catholic faith teaches that in each Mass, Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross is made present. Kneeling (or standing, as Eastern Catholics do) during the consecration of the Eucharist, a Catholic is mystically in the presence of the Crucifixion on Calvary.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Marriage: The Multiplication of Love

In today’s Gospel, Jesus takes the meager gifts of a teenaged boy and multiplies them to satisfy the hunger of a multitude. In the Sacrament of Marriage, he does the same: whenever we feel like we are not up to the challenges, Jesus takes our gifts, blesses them like the loaves and fish, and multiplies the love of our marriage. Learn more and share the Good News about marriage and family life at:

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

El Matrimonio: La multiplicación del amor

En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús toma los dones pobres de un joven y los multiplica para satisfacer el hambre de una multitud. En el Sacramento del Matrimonio hace lo mismo: cuando sentimos que no podemos con los problemas, Jesús toma nuestros dones, los bendice como los panes y los pescados, y multiplica el amor en nuestro matrimonio. Aprenda y comparta la Buena Nueva del matrimonio y la vida familiar en:

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

St. Eugene Cathedral will again be offering the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd method of faith formation for three through six-year-old children in the coming school year. This method gives children a tactile experience with God's Holy Word by offering models alongside readings from the Bible. The children focus on Jesus' life and His description of the Kingdom of God. Children also gain a deeper understanding of the Mass through physical experiences of working with model materials. The children celebrate each liturgical season, as well as the concepts associated with it. This environment designed for young children is called the Atrium. Practical life lessons such as pouring, scooping, and sorting are also offered, helping children master the physical world in which they are still so new.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Employment Opportunity at St Eugene

St. Eugene’s School is looking for a part-time employee to complete routine landscaping and maintenance duties. Bilingual is okay, English speaking is required. If interested, please pick up an application at the Parish office. Deadline for applications is August 6.

La escuela de San Eugenio está buscando un trabajador de medio tiempo para el área de jardinería y mantenimiento en general. Bilingüe está bien, pero se requiere hablar Inglés. Si está interesado, por favor recoja una solicitud en la oficina de la Parroquia. Fecha límite para solicitudes es el 6 de agosto.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Little Flowers Girls Group

It’s time for all girls, grades K-4, to sign up for the Little Flowers Girls Group. It will meet the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 - 11:00 in the PLC starting in September. Each month, the girls are joined by Marian Sisters to learn about a Catholic saint and a virtue. There is a craft to reinforce the lesson and the girls earn a patch to put on a blue sash that is worn to every class. Cost is $55.00 for new girls and $50.00 for returning members. Enrollment forms may be found in the office at St. Eugene.

For more information, call Anna deLaney @ (707)539-5185

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Natural Family Planning

All engaged and married couples are invited to the next natural family planning classes beginning August 3rd at 7 p.m. For information and registration, please visit or call (707) 542-3635.

Last week, July 21-27, 2024, was Natural Family Planning Awareness Week. The USCCB states: "The sacrament of marriage symbolizes Christ’s relationship with His Church." Consider taking a self-paced, live, or online course in NFP.

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Fr Moses Brown Fr Moses Brown

Parish School of Religion Registration

Last day to register is Wednesday, July 31st.

Register your child for the Parish School of Religion (PSR) 2024-25 school year!

The Parish School of Religion partners with Cathedral of St. Eugene families to bring the youth of the parish to Christ through authentic catechesis in the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Catholic Faith. We offer:

  • Ongoing Catholic formation for students 1st grade through high school

  • Preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confession, 1st Communion & Confirmation

  • Dedicated teaching by the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa & lay catechists.

Where: St. Eugene's School
When: Tuesdays from 3:45 - 5:15 p.m.; September through May

Pick up a registration forms in the vestibules, at the parish office, or print a copy from our parish website (

Contact Sr. Mary Emmanuel, MSSR, with any questions at 707-326-3408.

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