
Liturgical Ministries

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Would you like to volunteer?

If you are interested in volunteering for a liturgical ministry, please contact the parish office or call 542-6984.

How you can get involved

Altar Servers:

Youth: serve regular Sunday Masses and other special Masses - open to children between 4th & 8th grades.

Adult: serve weekend Masses and all regular weekday Masses - by pastor appointment.

  • For Altar Server Procedures, click here. These instructions can be helpful for getting a general idea of how to serve at Mass, but they are outdated. Revised instructions will be coming.


Read the scriptures at weekend and weekday Masses, read the prayers of the faithful and make announcements - open to all youth in high school and all adults.

  • For Microphone Use Guidelines, click here.

  • For Readings from the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website, click here.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:

Bring the blessed sacrament to people in their home and in rest homes - open to all parishioners who have received the sacrament of Confirmation.

  • Please contact Fr. Epperson for instructions.


Assist people to their seats and take up collections at weekend Masses - open to all high school youth and adults.


Welcome people at the doors of the church and distribute bulletins - open to all in the parish (families especially welcome).

Music Ministers:

Lead the congregation in singing the hymns at Mass on weekends - open to various ages depending on the Mass.

Altar Society:

Assist with creating a pleasant and prayerful liturgical environment through decorating the church, watering flowers, maintaining altar linens, etc. - open to all high school youth and adults.


Help to make sure that all is prepared in the sanctuary for the celebration of Mass - open to all high school youth and adults.