Weekly Bulletins

Weekly church bulletins are the parish’s newsletter and are important vehicles for communication with parishioners. They are filled with current information about what is happening in the parish. The latest bulletins are placed in the church each Saturday. They are stacked in the South and East vestibules and also in book racks at the back of the church next to the inside doors.
If you miss a bulletin, copies are available in the Parish Office.

To get the latest announcements, please check the Home page
(click on The Cathedral of St. Eugene logo above)

2025 Bulletins

2024 Bulletins

2023 Bulletins

2022 Bulletins

2021 Bulletins

2020 Bulletins


The back cover of the printed bulletin is filled with advertising for parishioner and other local businesses. Please support these advertisers and let them know that you saw their listing in the bulletin. Their advertising dollars help pay for the printing costs of the weekly bulletin.

To submit a bulletin announcement, email the bulletin editor for instructions. The deadline is Thursdays by 3:00 pm for inclusion in the weekend after next bulletin. The parish reserves the right to include, edit, or omit submissions.