Contact us
Parish Office
call: (707) 542-6984
fax: (707) 542-1621
Office Hours—Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed major holidays - check the schedule or the current bulletin for Mass & group meeting times
The after-hours emergency phone is (707) 987-6167 and is answered by a service who pages the duty priest for life-threatening emergencies.
Office Location
The office entrance is located on the north side of the rectory building, the 2-story building situated between the parking lot and the Cathedral. It is located in the former location of the book/gift shop.
Saint Eugene's Cathedral
2323 Montgomery Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
From 101 S:
Head North on US 101. Exit CA-12 East toward Sonoma. Exit Farmers Lane. Turn left on Farmers Lane, right on Montgomery Dr. The Cathedral is on the left (north side of Montgomery Dr.).
From 101 N:
Head South on US 101. Exit CA-12 East toward Sonoma. Exit Farmers Lane. Turn left on Farmers Lane, right on Montgomery Dr.