Annual Diocesan Ministry Appeal

As we come to the Spring, we also come to realize that it is AMA season! We have a shared work as Catholics in our parish and in our Diocese. I want to first note that the money raised in the AMA appeal is for the annual ministries alone. In other words, this money is never used for other purposes, such as legal fees or lawsuit settlements. This money is primarily used for diocesan ministry needs that are greater than one parish, such as the schools office, youth ministry, preparation for marriage, and the tribunal. These are needs that we have all together as the Diocese of Santa Rosa.

Over the next couple of weeks, I am asking you to prayerfully consider your gift to the AMA this year. Any money above our goal is going to be refunded to the parish and can be used to make improvements in the space that we all use. I ask you to be generous with the Church while knowing that your generosity springs from hearts on fire with the love of God.

God bless you all,
Fr. Samuel Moses Brown


St. Eugene School — Principal’s Corner


Men’s Chant Schola