St Eugene Cathedral School

From Principal Fr. Gabriel Sanchez: Just as our dear Bishop, Robert Vasa, is the head of the Diocese of Santa Rosa and carries in his person the authority, the Mercy, and the Wisdom of God to share it with us, so you in your home are the head of your family and you must, as baptized people, impose the authority of the Truth of Christ over what is dangerous, harmful, and deceitful for your children and represents a threat. You must be the image of the Father's Mercy that corrects, forgives, uplifts, and encourages growth and have the wisdom to guide your children to live the commandments of God and His Church.

Having said that, it is with great respect that I ask you to be ambassadors of St. Eugene Cathedral School. I have thought that there is no one better to represent our school than our parents, teachers, and all members of the Cathedral community. The dynamics of a school's operation begins with the students. The more students, the more possibilities the school will have to offer the services that parents seek and that their children deserve. You and I should be very excited to contribute to the optimal promotion of our school. You have my permission to disseminate the OPEN HOUSE flyer through social media and promote our school visits.

Thank you very much.


Pastor’s Corner (January 28)


Catholic Schools Week