Lenten Mini Retreats
Lent is just around the corner and is a time for us to pause and to make extra time for prayer, penance and reflection. To assist us on this journey, we will be offering 3 mini-retreats on 3 consecutive Saturdays during Lent: March 4, 11 & 18. Our priest-presenters will offer the 8:00 a.m. Mass and then begin the talks approximately 15 minutes after Mass has ended in the Cathedral. Refreshments will be available in the Parish Life Center during this break time. The talks will last approximately one hour. Our first presentation on March 4th will be given by Fr. Robert Torczynski on “How to Pray Well.” Our second presentation on March 11 will be given by Fr. Cameron Faller of the Archdiocese of San Francisco on “The Four Last Things.” Our third presentation on March 18th will be given by Fr. Raul Lemus of St. Joseph Church in Cotati. He will speak on “Evangelization: Holiness Cannot Exist without this.” More information about each talk will be given in upcoming bulletins!