Saint Peter and Saint Paul

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am happy to announce that we will be re-starting the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass this Sunday, June 28th. Also, the 6:45 am weekday Mass will start up again on Monday, August 3rd. Please spread the word!. For those of you who are leaders of church organizations such as Women of the Word, Knights of Columbus, ICF, etc., I know that you are anxious to begin meeting again in person. Here are my guidelines for you (based on the county guidelines): Each group leader will need to contact group members and ascertain how many will be attending. Once this has been done, the leader needs to make sure that the room size can accommodate the number of people in attendance allowing for 6 feet of space between each person. If this can be done, the meeting may take place as long as every person in attendance wears a mask upon entering the room. Also, it will be up to the group to provide hand-sanitizer. If all of these conditions are met, please contact Maria in the Parish Office (542-6984, ext. 10). If you need a larger room to accommodate social distancing needs, you will need her to check our schedule and see if a room is available for you.

Just a reminder of our protocol for Holy Communion: When the priest consumes the Eucharist, the ushers will begin to release you to walk to the back of the church where you can receive a squirt of hand sanitizer if you so choose. Please be sure to vigorously rub your hands together so that the sanitizer will dry before you receive. You should then form a single file line up the main aisle, observing the blue tape marks on the carpet, and receive Holy Communion in your hand.

Finally, I would like to encourage you all to stay strong and not give in to despair as we watch so much chaos unfold around us. We all know that the forces of evil are very strong right now and may stay that way for awhile. Keep up your communication with your fellow Catholic friends and offer each other encouragement. Of course, keep praying, not only for this chaos and hateful behavior to end, but also for the courage and fortitude to meet it head on. Know that I am with you every step of the way and will be praying for you and for our amazing parish. 

—Fr. Epperson


Requiescat In Pace 

During this time of lockdown and no public funerals, we have lost several longtime parishioners. Please remember the following dearly departed in your prayers and Mass intentions:

+Michael Cazedessus+ March 20, 2020
+Hike Kazarian+ April 9, 2020
+Donald Johnston+ April 24, 2020
+Clara Fusco+ May 13, 2020
+Sarah Dodge+ May 18, 2020
+Martin Brian McCormick II+ June 17, 2020 

St. Eugene Gift Shop/Bookstore

As I have advised before, if you don’t already pray a daily Rosary, now is the time to start! During the month of July, our Gift Shop will be offering a 25% discount on the prayer booklet, “Pray the Rosary with Scripture Readings.” The shop is open (closed Monday and Tuesday) and ready to help you find the spiritual food that is needed during these tumultuous times. 

Please support our advertisers and let them know that you saw their listing in the Pastor’s Notes.

Sierra Fontana

Hello! I’m a freelance web designer based in Santa Rosa, California specializing in Squarespace and Shopify web design.

I help small businesses and entrepreneurs find the heart of their brand, share that passion with the world, and realize their dreams through effective and conversion-driven web design.

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One Nation Under God


Sacred Heart of Jesus